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Selectmen's Minutes 2010/10/25

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, October 25, 2010

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, William Roach Vice Chairman, Charlotte Brown,   Stephen White, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the public hearing at 7:00PM  

Town Property Ordinance Public Hearing
Chairman Gallup read the revised Section II: Town Parks Areas Defined and Section V: Enforcement of the Ordinance Regulating Town Properties. After Selectman White and Selectman Brown made some changes to the ordinance, Chairman Gallup opened the public hearing for questions and comments. Greg Meyer asked the Board to amend the ordinance to allow dogs to swim at the beaches after hours in the summer and in the off-season after Labor Day. Chairman Gallup closed the public hearing at 7:38PM. Selectman Brown suggested that the ordinance be handed out to residents when they registered their dogs, which will help to make the owners aware that the ordinance is in effect and will be enforced. Motion to implement the ordinance with the suggested changes effective 10/26/10 by Selectmen Roach, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.   

Scott Blewitt-Recreation Donations
Scott Blewitt came to the Board with the following financial requests:
•Motion to authorize the payment of various bills as presented, to be paid from Special Recreation in the amount of $43,953.45 by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.  
•Motion to authorize the payment of $6,421.13 to defray the expenses for playground equipment and installation for Nona’s playground from the Special Recreation Fund by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.
•Motion to accept $200 from the Sunapee Thrift Shop and $1,000 from the Bartlett Blueberry Farm and increase the recreation maintenance line by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.

Tony Bergeron-High Street Petition
•Tony Bergeron updated the Board on the recommendations from the Highway Safety Committee regarding the High Street petition. The main concern of the petition was the speed of traffic coming from Route 103B, northerly into High Street. The major concern of the Highway Safety Committee was the traffic preceding northerly on Route 103B, to make a right turn on to High Street would have to slow down dramatically, which might presents a problem for traffic following, particularly in inclement weather.

The Committee thought that creating a turning lane would help accommodate traffic, so that the vehicle turning could reduce their speed upon entering High Street. Tony Bergeron also met with an engineer from DOT Division 2, who recommended a 25-1 taper, which is approximately 250 feet long. The area would accommodate such a taper, and you could develop a turning lane. Another concern of the committee was how to change the appearance of the straight thru lane. One suggestion was the installation of a guardrail as a visual barrier, to help change the traffic pattern.

The engineer was not against the installation of a guardrail, but thought it require ongoing maintenance. The engineer suggested delineators and the committee suggested vegetation as the barrier. The estimated cost would be $2000 for hot top, $3,000 for steel guardrail or $5,300 for wood treated guardrail. An option to the guardrail would be delineators, the poles with the reflector on top or boulders, which are less expensive. The concrete island and strip of asphalt beside it and replace with a grass surface. In Tony Bergeron’s opinion, the estimated cost of the project would be around $3,000 if the Town did not go with the guardrail system. Donna Nashawaty asked if the DOT wanted the town to hire an engineer. Tony Bergeron responded that the DOT is coming back with a drawing that will be produced “in house” by them, and did not request the Town hire an engineer. Tony Bergeron will get the DOT’s written permission to do this project. A public hearing will be scheduled on Monday, November 29th for public comments on the project.  
•Tony Bergeron gave an update on the 24 streetlights scheduled for removal.Lights that had been objected to were removed from original list. Motion to follow the Lighting Committee’s advice to remove the 24 streetlights by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor. (List Attached)

Chief Dan Ruggles-State DOS Mapping Project
Chief Dan Ruggles updated the Board on the mapping project done by E911 and the corrections that need to be made to the maps. Motion to sign the following letters by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.
Acceptance letter – Accepts the maps as being accurate to the current addressing throughout the town.
Nonstandard letter – Acknowledges that there are areas of concern with the current addressing.~ (There was an attached document listing out these areas.)
Non-Disclosure letter – Agreement between the town and E9-1-1 that the data will be used for the purpose of aiding in emergency response.

Selectmen Action
•Motion to accept the nomination of Wenda Nolin to the Crowther Chapel by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor
•Motion to accept the nomination of Robert (REM) Mastin and Robert Hill to the Conservation Commission by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application from the American Legion to use the Safety Services Building all day on November 2nd & 3rd by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.

Chairman’s Report
•Chairman Gallup wanted to talk about the building permit that was requested by Eileen Stiles. Chairman Gallup reviewed the history of the building, known as the “Butter Building” that was donated years ago by Eileen Stiles to the Historical Society and has been located at Dewey Field across from the ball field. The Historical Society decided they did not want the building, so Eileen Stiles is taking it back. Since the building is classified as an historical building, Selectman White suggested that the Building permit fee of $35 be waived. Motion to waive the building permit fee of $35 for Eileen Stiles by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. 3in Favor 1 Abstain.
•Selectman Roach wanted to comment on the handout he received at the “Donor Towns” meeting that held last Monday in Moultonborough. Chairman Gallup, Selectman Roach and Selectman White attended the meeting, along with Budget Advisory Committee members Spec Bowers and Shane Hastings. The handout was from Michael Lancor, Superintendent of Schools in Moultonborough and was titled Top 10 Reasons New Hampshire Should Not Reinstate “Donor Towns”. Selectman Roach thought it was a good read.

Town Manager Report
•In 2010, Donna Nashawaty received a letter requesting support from New London Hospital Ambulance in the amount of $28,892. Today, Donna Nashawaty received an email (hard copy to follow) requesting support from New London Ambulance in the amount of $42,881 in 2011, which is an increase of $13, 989. Donna Nashawaty received an email was received from Jessie Levine, Town Administrator in New London, who would like to pull together a meeting of the seven towns, (New London, Sunapee, Newbury, Springfield, Sutton, Wilmot and Grantham) and the hospital to identify the best options for meeting our communities emergency needs. Donna Nashawaty and Chief Dan Ruggles will represent the Town, but she didn’t know if a Selectman would also like to attend. The consensus of the Board was that Selectman White would be the “lead” representative and on the days he could not attend Selectman Roach, Selectman Brown and Chairman Gallup would cover.
•Donna Nashawaty delivered the MS-1 to the Department of Revenue last Thursday, she’s expecting a call for an appointment tomorrow, and the tax rate should be set by the end of week. If the rate is set by the end of the week, the tax bills will be going out sometime before the end of next week.

•Donna Nashawaty received an offer from Primex, the Town’s workers compensation carrier for a 2 year contract, with a 5% discount if the contract is signed for 2 years. Our property/liability carrier, which is the Local Government Center that has offer with a 3 year contract, which would guarantee no more than a 6% increase the 1st year and no more that 9% the 2nd and 3rd years.  Donna Nashawaty would like to find out what the increase would be if she signed a single year contract. But, the health insurance rates for the plan the employees currently have with the Town have dropped 3.2%, which is good news.
•Chairman Gallup asked how Norm and staff are handling the calls regarding the reevaluation. Donna Nashawaty gave an update on the hearings and process of answering taxpayers’ questions.
•Both Chairman Gallup and Selectman Roach voiced concerns regarding the library survey. Selectman Roach’s concern was that he received 4 surveys, so does that mean he can vote 4 times?  
Meeting adjourned at 9:21PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________                       _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Stephen White

Emma M. Smith